A blog about using blogs. Torill Mortensen and Jill Walker wrote: "Blogging Thoughts, personal publication as an online research tool". Next project is: "Intimate Confessions and Public Display". This blog works as space in which to collect ideas and tangents to this research.
Internet Magazine - News/Advice/Reviews/ISPs/Hosting
Evan Williams interviewed. From the front-page of www.blogger.com, as well as from Hilde, emailed.
posted by Torill at 02:56
Joel's blog is far from an academic publication. He writes about whether or not he gets a hand-job, among other things. This is the classic naïve weblog, where the author writes openly, unworried about the consequences of who might read it.
Subjectivity: - The subject as author – the active subject - The subject in research
A journalist wrote about the “handjob guy”.
- The distinction journalism/blogging
- Jenkins-parallel
- Meta-news: the production of news in and about the media
- Creation of its own myth
This was quickly made a topic of other bloggers, and heavily discussed and researched at the group blog Metafilter.
Metafilter discussion
- Meta blogging
- Collaborative research
- Demonstrates raw potential in this tool – an approach to the web
Tod the journalist became the bad guy, and Joel, kindly published his apology.
Power exchange – blogs castrate the traditional authorities
- Research, critical approach
- Credibility (etterrettelighet) and scepticism
Reader approach – and awareness of the reader, awareness of the writer
- Editing and blogging
- Sophistication
Back to naivity
The arch from naivity to sophistication
posted by Jill at 00:49
Torill's quick disposition, to be edited, noted here in case of catastrophe and no further opportunities to update before tomorrow when we're presenting.
- Different blogging genres
- The diary
- The journal
- The ramble
- The pleasure of design: visual aesthetics
- Writing for readers
- Guest bloggers and networks
- Group-blogs, community blogs
- Extending the private sphere
- Private investigation online
- Research characteristics in blogging activities
- Finding background
- Making connections
- editing
- Publishing
posted by Jill at 06:53
Esther Dyson writes about online conference blogging.
posted by Jill at 06:41
Mark likes our paper and sends an email with a very useful list of details he feels we should look at, if we have time before publishing. Sadly, we don't. But there was one amusing little thing, which I will mention, even if I haven't asked Mark for permission to quote from his letter - which was for Jill, actually.
At one point we write about jealous professors with too little time on their hands. Mark feels that it should say "too much time" - with less time on their hands, they wouldn't be playing petty games. That was the original text, but it was changed because Espen felt jealous professors have too little time on their hand...
posted by Torill at 04:05
Wittgenstein and the relationship between his diaries and his works. The Wittgenstein Archives should be a good resource. This might be just what we need when we expand the blog-paper to a paper on science theory.
posted by Torill at 02:23