
A blog about using blogs. Torill Mortensen and Jill Walker wrote: "Blogging Thoughts, personal publication as an online research tool". Next project is: "Intimate Confessions and Public Display". This blog works as space in which to collect ideas and tangents to this research.


Jill had a good question. Is it possible to blog by way of sms? I know at least two blogsluts who'd love that....

posted by Torill at 05:15

Vi må komme i gang med arbeidet. Bare så vi ikke glemmer hva vi skal gjøre, Jill, i følge sms-meldingen:
til onsdag 2. januar skal vi begge ha et forslag til disposisjon, samt to sider om hva vi vil ha med i artikkelen/deler av kapitler og avsnitt. Dette blogger vi til onsdag, så diskuterer vi via kommentarer, email, sms...


posted by Torill at 05:04


Laurel is considering what's good blogging. That's not so interesting for our work as her realisation that she thinks more while blogging. Thisis part of what we have been discussign for the work on the article: blogging lets you utilise those half-formed thoughts whic might not fit perfectly into the focused, limited work we are writing/creating in dissertations, papers and articles. Through making all those "temporary thoughts" visible, blogging can make the academic thought-process more available, which can be a very good thing both for the researcher and those who pay for the research.

I can sit for a day and stare at the screen, pick up a book once in a while, write a sentence and delete it, walk in circles on the floor, sit back in front of the screen and leaf through old articles, send an email, search through the references of an other book for just those titles I might need, and then go back and delete the last four pages I wrote. Doesn't look all that efficient, but it's a full days work of academic creation. Now that I have a less formal way of making some of the thoughts which race through my head available for retrospection, I don't only work in a way which feels more efficient to me, I can also help to fights some of the myths of academic work as "just thinking".

posted by Torill at 05:26


Too much information
a blog on writing. really.

posted by Torill at 02:32

Refernces: blogging is generous (comment on someone who considered whether blogging is all about ego-surfing, also links to others responding to this post) and from the same blog: about what makes a blog successful with this rather nice little line: "on the Web, everyone is famous to 15 people."

posted by Jill at 01:43

Refernces: blogging is generous (comment on someone who considered whether blogging is all about ego-surfing, also links to others responding to this post) and from the same blog: about what makes a blog successful with this rather nice little line: "on the Web, everyone is famous to 15 people."

posted by Jill at 01:33


Topica Email List Directory
blogs and rap. What does that have to do with research? Who says research isn't creative and artistic?

posted by Torill at 03:25


A fabulous analogy explaining why we're not all journalists now that we blog. By Torill, 17/12.

posted by Jill at 02:03


Here's that bit I've been looking for for ages, about how keeping a blog can help you see what you're *really* interested in:
Shortly after I began producing Rebecca's Pocket I noticed two side effects I had not expected. First, I discovered my own interests. I thought I knew what I was interested in, but after linking stories for a few months I could see that I was much more interested in science, archaeology, and issues of injustice than I had realized. More importantly, I began to value more highly my own point of view. In composing my link text every day I carefully considered my own opinions and ideas, and I began to feel that my perspective was unique and important.

This is by Rebecca Blood in her essay weblogs: a history and perspective, and I refound it via an essay on blogs by Jenny Sinclair which has lots of good quotes and anecdotes collected from a lot of different blogs.

posted by Jill at 11:53

Keep Trying: A blog about blogging that might or might not be worth looking at - posted on the front page of blogger which removes a bit of its "cool" value since everyone will know about it now (and isn't that an interesting response in itself).

posted by Jill at 11:33


It was just confirmed that we'll be allowed to present our paper at the SKIKT conference. The deadline for the article, which will be included in a collection of articles from the conference, is february 11th. Jill wants me to come to Bergen to discuss the article, but mentions that she can come to Volda. Bad move Jill, you know I want to show off the new house!

I think we should plan the paper as soon as possible though, so that we can split up the work: I'll be teaching full time in January and February, so I will be a little busy.

Get well, get online, get blogged...
but in that order!!!

posted by Torill at 06:26


Jill om Mark Bernstein, arroganse og formalitet.
Jeg tror nok at refleksiv metode og vitenskapsteori er det vi leter etter: bloggen som utløp for personligheten, hvor forskeren tar et standpunkt og er åpen omkring det. Å kalle det hermeneutikk og forforståelse er for lettvint - det handler om forskeren som sitt eget viktigste redskap for forståelse og ikke minst: erkjennelse. Jeg tror også forståelse er sentralt her.

posted by Torill at 23:42

Gender and computing Hilde changes the language of her blog again, after she installed a sitemeter and found out that she has readers.

posted by Torill at 02:51

11.12.01 thinks about blogging, and why she wants to make a blog.

posted by Torill at 23:00


Jeg har ikke hørt noe fra SKIKT, og de forespeilet oss at vi skulle få vite om forslaget var godkjent i slutten av November. Jeg hadde tenkt å skrive i desember, før muntlig - muntlig begynner i morgen, og det begynner å bli veldig kort tid fram til fristen i januar, siden de vil ha en artikkel som kan publiseres og ikke bare et paper.

posted by Torill at 00:22


Klastrup's Cataclysms
Lisbeth strikes again, this time with a long post on her imagined, real and implied readers. Very interesting in relation to blogs as academic writing.

Dessverre kan jeg ikke linke til arkivdatoen, det ser ut til at den funksjonen ikke fungerer på bloggen hennes, men dagen var 3.12.2001

posted by Torill at 00:59


Lisbeth is changing the style of her blog, to shorter comments, hiding the longer, dscriptive posts. This is just about the opposite of what Jill has been doing lately. Lisbeth does this because she imagines a new reader wouldn't want to struggle past long blacks of text. So we can assume that Lisbeth is writing for not just whoever might be stubborn enough to go through her text, but for an imagined reader who has to be enticed and seduced by the text, led into reading.

This is a more classical authorial position than many weblogs have, and it's an admitted authorial position: she wants her blog to be useful, helpful and readable, she writes for them as much as for herself.

posted by Torill at 01:14


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